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10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Amsterdam

 10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Amsterdam

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Amsterdam

Traveling to Europe? Amsterdam should be at the top of your list. One of the most interesting cities in the world, Amsterdam has something to offer every traveler, no matter what your interests are or how much time you have to spend in one place. That’s why I’ve put together this list of the 10 best things to do in Amsterdam; if you find yourself in this fabulous city and you only check off four or five, you’re doing it wrong!

1) The cafe culture

Coffee culture is important in Dutch society, with many cafes open around the clock. The traditional hot drink is called a kopje koffie (literally translated as a cup of coffee), and usually comes with a slice of cake, like this delicious looking almond cake. Coffee shops are a popular hangout for both locals and tourists, most famously Amsterdam's coffeeshops, where it's legal to smoke weed.

2) The relaxed atmosphere

This incredible city is perfect for people who want to take a break from their usual lives and enjoy the finer things in life. Take a leisurely walk through one of the many canals, admire the rich architecture of some of the buildings or just sit at a café for hours on end with friends and read a book. It really is a perfect destination for anyone who wants to step away from it all, even if it's just for an afternoon.

3) Amsterdams’ history

Ancestral for the Netherlands, settled by fishermen and farmers. Throughout time, it's been a major trading center where sailors and traders from all over the world converged to live, learn, and exchange goods. The name Amsterdam is probably derived in turn from Dam-eind, meaning 'the dam on the river Amstel'. Today it remains an international city open to immigration and far-reaching global connections.

4) The street art

Amsterdam is a city that thrives on being creative. The people of Amsterdam have found an outlet for self-expression in the form of street art. There are few things more satisfying than getting lost in a new city and stumbling upon one of these beautiful pieces of work.

No matter how you spell it, there's no denying that the world loves their kitty cats.

5) The cycling city

Unlike most American cities, in which cars are king, bicycles are the main form of transportation for Dutch citizens. Many people choose to bike for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it's inexpensive and a great way to explore Amsterdam. Because of their love for bikes, and their cycle-friendly infrastructure, cycling is not only safe but highly encouraged.

6) Historical buildings

The Netherlands capital, Amsterdam is world-renowned for its historical buildings and architecture. Highlights include the Anne Frank House, Museum Amstelkring, Jewish Historical Museum and Vondelpark.

7) Diversity in Amsterdam

It's easy to explore the Dutch capital and its iconic canals on foot, by bike or boat. An ideal way to soak up the city is a visit to the Anne Frank House. It's the house where Anne Frank and her family hid from Nazi persecution for two years during World War II before being arrested. The unique exhibit has been created so visitors feel as if they are stepping inside the Secret Annex, and it highlights one of history's most poignant stories of hope, courage and individual human spirit.

8) Its vibrant nightlife scene

Amsterdam has one of the liveliest nightlife scenes in Europe. A great place to start a night out is Rembrandtplein, where visitors can grab drinks from one of the many street vendors before heading to a bar, dance club or concert hall. If you're looking for quieter activities, head over to Canal District for dinner and drinks at one of the many restaurants or cafés located along the city's main waterway.

The best time to visit Amsterdam?

9) Dining experiences

While you're in town, why not check out some of the delicious food that's available? Amsterdam has everything from delicious tapas to Indian cuisine and even pizza! For breakfast, try out one of the many patisseries, bakeries or cafés. What about dinner? The city is packed with tasty international restaurants ranging from sushi to Mexican – the only thing is that you'll need to know where to look.

10) Shops and museums

-Oude Kerk: A 700 year old church that is known for its intricate carvings. -Van Gogh Museum: The world's largest Van Gogh collection and see many of his iconic works such as Starry Night and The Potato Eaters. -Bloemenmarkt: Every Wednesday morning this market of flowers, plants, bulbs, seeds, cut flowers and more opens for business.

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